Orto in Campania

It’s all about Good Choices Because Klépierre has an ongoing commitment to sustainable development and local communities.

We’re proud of what we do.

And we love innovating!

Let's start


At Campania Shopping Center in Marcianise, between Naples and Caserta, a large educational garden was born twelve years ago which is a virtuous example of circular economy, because it is fed with the compost produced by the organic waste of the 25 bars and restaurants in the Centre. Today taking care of this 650 square meter space (designed by undergraduates in architecture and agronomy of the Federico II University of Naples, together with the designers of the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Aversa and the pedagogy students of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples ) are volunteers, educators and the thousands of people who visit it every year. The vegetable garden of SC Campania is a permanent educational laboratory, which not only teaches – by example – the correct management of waste, but allows you to disseminate notions of science and economics such as photosynthesis, mulching, water and carbon cycles, the agri-food chain.
December 2021

The Restyling

Inclusion, graphic and artistic design have transformed a traditional space into a vibrant and engaging environment. The goal? Create a place where all people can appreciate the beauty of nature, learn and enjoy the art.

Project Awareness

Creation of a recognizable communication concept to tell users about the entire project


Refurbishment of the entire area in order to guarantee full access to all guests thanks to a pedestrian path without architectural barricades

visit Route

Study and realization of an internal smart tour that guides the user from the entrance to the exit of the area with the insertion of light portals, signs along the path and qrcode cartel

Urban art

Collaboration with a painter and urban artist who through her painting has been able to give a real soul to the garden like in a fairy tale

focus on

Our Challenges

work in progress

Stages of development

From greyscale to urban colours


Enviromental Impact

Thanks to this restyling we are sure that we have increased the environmental impact of the project.

Enviromental impact

Circular Economy

The educational garden is the symbol of the differentiated collection method adopted by the Campania Shopping Centre. In fact, the plants grown in the garden are fed with compost produced from the organic fraction disposed of in the kitchens of the Centre’s restaurants and bars. Since January 2011, the food tenants of Campania have followed a separate collection protocol, managing to produce a 100% pure wet fraction. Organic waste comes from Campania,only one kilometer away, for processing. Generates electricity, heat and compost, which dates back to the garden of Campania.

Enviromental impact


From October to December and from April to June, primary and secondary schools in the area can participate in free workshops held by the garden’s team of educators.
The meetings deal with various topics, including nutrition, sustainability, recycling and virtuous waste management, crops to protect, food education.
Conceived with modern pedagogical techniques, the laboratories include a brief theoretical part and practical activities that take place in the educational area of the garden.
Bus transport is free for all schools located within a radius of 20 km from the Campania Shopping Centre.

Enviromental impact

& Inclusion

The resurfacing of the flooring has made the Garden accessible also for those who need to move around in a wheelchair and for mothers with pushchairs. This has intensified collaborations with numerous associations, institutions and social cooperatives, people with various disabilities can now fully enjoy the spaces of the Garden.

By guaranteeing the simultaneous translation of experiences in the Garden, we are active partners in reception projects for immigrants.

By guaranteeing the simultaneous translation of experiences in the Garden, we are active partners in reception projects for immigrants.

Enviromental impact

Lifelong learning

All the educators involved in the project follow a training path that comes from the collaboration with the Agraria University of Federico II and the Academy of Pedagogy Viva.
Through 2 workshops, developed during the year, will be realized the educational plan of the coming year and the training of new educators who will become part of the team.
Such a high number of minds at the service of an educational project is necessary to take care of contents and conceive processes and methods that are at the service of the stimulus of knowledge. This is Orto in Campania goal.

Enviromental impact

Enhancement of native landraces and biodiversity

The resurfacing of the flooring has made the Garden accessible also for those who need to move around in a wheelchair and for mothers with pushchairs. This has intensified collaborations with numerous associations, institutions and social cooperatives, people with various disabilities can now fully enjoy the spaces of the Garden. By guaranteeing the simultaneous translation of experiences in the Garden, we are active partners in reception projects for immigrants.

Key Figures

From january 2020 to may 2023
Variety of plants
since 2011
Varieties currently present
un orto al centro | 2018

The Book

To recount the ten years of the Garden and all its importance today, the writer and agronomist Antonio Pascale published in 2021 for the Giunti publishing house the book “A garden at the Centre. Educating for sustainability”.



Orto in Campania Herbarium is a concrete tool, game and knowledge, dedicated to future visitors to build an immersive educational experience and bring the user closer to the world of botany. An illustrated guide with maps and cards containing more than 150 botanical varieties that have inhabited the garden during these years. Within these pages there are two souls of our project: science and pedagogy. A book dedicated to all ages, to start, together with the users of Orto in Campania, a new path of research that can contribute to the growth of all.
